Elderly Woman Loses Family Property in Alleged Neighbor’s Scheme

Institute for Justice senior attorney Dan Alban has accused the federal government of using civil forfeiture as a means to target Americans and seize their assets. A recent case in the Tampa Bay area highlights the issue, as an elderly woman claims she lost her family property after a neighbor manipulated her into signing a blank piece of paper. The property in question is a home situated on over three acres of land in Hillsborough County, estimated to be worth over $260,000. Susan Eatman, 80, alleges that her neighbor, Mark Oliver, had her sign the blank paper, which ended up transferring ownership of the land to him.

The incident began when Oliver approached Eatman at her home and asked her to sign the paper, claiming to be a neighbor of her sister, Jackie. Oliver had already convinced Jackie White to allow him to use her property for his animals, as he operated a farm adjacent to their family property. Eatman initially declined to sign the paper, but Oliver persisted, even confronting her at a restaurant where she was celebrating a friend’s birthday. Eventually, Eatman relented and signed the blank paper.

Oliver later claimed that he had been helping care for White and had provided her with financial assistance, food, and clothing. He also alleged that White and Eatman willingly signed the paper. However, Eatman denies receiving any compensation and asserts that she never asked Oliver for help with her sister.

Surveillance video from the Hillsborough County clerk’s office reportedly shows Oliver filing the necessary paperwork to transfer ownership to his name. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office investigated the matter and has since handed it over to the state attorney’s office. As of now, no charges have been filed, and the case remains under investigation.

Eatman insists that the deed transfer was fraudulent and vows to take whatever steps necessary to regain ownership of the property. She emphasizes that her parents initially purchased the property, intending it to be Jackie’s home.

The case has drawn attention to the issue of civil forfeiture, with critics arguing that it allows the government to unjustly seize assets from individuals. The Institute for Justice’s Dan Alban asserts that the federal government is utilizing the complex legal process of civil forfeiture to wage a war on Americans and their bank accounts.

As the investigation continues, Eatman and her legal team are determined to fight for justice and reclaim the family property that she believes rightfully belongs to her sister.

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