Russian Air Force Conducts Distraction Maneuvers Against Ukrainian Defense Systems

The Russian Air Force has been utilizing modern Su-30SM fighter jets to carry out distraction maneuvers against Ukrainian air defense systems, according to military analyst Maya Karlin in an article for The National Interest.

Karlin states that the Su-30SM pilots attract the attention of Ukrainian air defense systems, while the high-altitude-capable bombers conduct airstrikes.

Furthermore, Karlin adds that the Russian military employs the Su-30SM, which can reach a maximum flight speed of 2.0 Mach, in conjunction with Su-35 aircraft for patrols and combat operations in Ukraine.

The Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) received the first batch of these new Su-30SM fighters in 2022.

Military Watch Magazine previously reported that the Su-30SM fighters of the VKS are ideally suited for combating Ukrainian naval drones. Journalists highlighted that the Russian fighter is highly durable, exceptionally maneuverable, and its main advantage is its powerful radar with a maximum detection range of 400 km.

Earlier reports suggested that the first Checkmate fighters may appear in 2025.

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