Nikki Haley Receives Endorsement from Influential Conservative Group in 2024 Presidential Race

In a recent digital interview in Newton, Iowa, GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley discussed her “differences of opinion” with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, emphasizing that it’s not a personal matter. The announcement comes as Americans for Prosperity Action, the political arm of the influential and financially powerful fiscally conservative network founded by the Koch Brothers, has officially endorsed Haley for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. This endorsement is seen as a significant boost for Haley’s campaign, as the group has pledged to spend millions of dollars to help propel the Republican Party past former President Trump.

AFP Action, in a memo released on Tuesday morning, expressed its pride in supporting Haley and its commitment to using its grassroots operation to help her become the next President of the United States. To kickstart this effort, the group plans to launch a multimillion-dollar ad campaign across early primary states and several Super Tuesday states. The campaign will call on Americans to unite behind Haley’s positive vision and turn the page on today’s broken politics, aiming to move the country forward.

Haley, a former ambassador to the United Nations and two-term governor of South Carolina, officially launched her 2024 presidential campaign in February. She has gained momentum in recent months, particularly due to her well-received performances in the first three GOP presidential primary debates. As a result, she has surpassed Governor Ron DeSantis for second place in New Hampshire and in her home state of South Carolina. She has also closed the gap with DeSantis in Iowa, which holds the first caucuses of the GOP nominating calendar.

Despite Haley’s rise in the polls, she still trails significantly behind former President Trump, who maintains a commanding lead over other contenders as he embarks on his third White House run. However, the endorsement from AFP Action is expected to provide crucial support to Haley’s campaign, especially considering DeSantis’ advantage in grassroots outreach and organizational strength through the super PAC Never Back Down.

AFP Action’s endorsement is likely to bring considerable resources to Haley’s campaign, including direct-mail and field operations, as well as a substantial ad blitz in the early voting states. The group has a notable track record, having knocked on approximately 5.5 million doors, made 2 million calls, and sent out nearly 70 million pieces of mail during the 2022 midterm election cycle.

Emily Seidel, senior adviser to AFP Action, emphasized the group’s commitment to finding a candidate who can address the country’s political dysfunction and secure a victory. She stated that Nikki Haley embodies these qualities and pledged to do everything possible to help her become the next President of the United States.

In response to the endorsement, Haley expressed her gratitude for AFP Action’s support, emphasizing the significance of the upcoming election and the choice between freedom and socialism, individual liberty and big government, and fiscal responsibility and spiraling debt. Haley believes there is too much at stake to sit on the sidelines and is thankful to have AFP Action by her side.

On the other hand, the DeSantis campaign reacted to the news by suggesting that the AFP Action endorsement of Haley will ultimately strengthen Trump’s bid for the GOP nomination. The campaign’s communications director, Andrew Romeo, congratulated Trump on securing the Koch endorsement and claimed that every dollar spent on Haley’s candidacy should be considered an in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign. Romeo further asserted that Governor DeSantis has a proven track record of defeating the establishment and will continue to do so in this election.

As the 2024 presidential campaign unfolds, Haley’s endorsement from AFP Action adds considerable weight to her candidacy, signaling increased support from influential conservative groups. With the race heating up, it remains to be seen how Haley’s campaign will fare against the strong competition, including former President Trump and Governor DeSantis.

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