Kyle Rittenhouse Sets the Record Straight in New Book, Revealing His Childhood Struggles and Falsities Surrounding His Case

Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man who made headlines after shooting three men in self-defense during a Black Lives Matter riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, is aiming to correct the false narrative that has been created about him. Rittenhouse was charged with murder but was acquitted on all counts in a televised trial. Now, he is releasing a book that sheds light on his life, upbringing, and the events that led to that fateful evening in 2020.

In an interview with Digital, Rittenhouse shared his motivation for writing the book, stating, “The reason I decided to write a book is there are so many narratives about me, some right from wrong, and I just wanted to finally put it all to rest and tell my story. I wanted to tell what my childhood was, about how I grew up, who the true me was and how I got to where I am today.”

One aspect of the false narrative that Rittenhouse addresses is the misconception that he comes from a privileged background. He emphasizes that he actually grew up in poverty, facing hardships such as homelessness and relying on welfare and food stamps. Through his book, Rittenhouse hopes to debunk these misconceptions and shed light on his challenging upbringing.

Rittenhouse also delves into his struggles with panic attacks and post-traumatic stress, revealing how a golden retriever named Milo played a significant role in helping him cope. Additionally, he exposes what he describes as “grifters” – public figures who attempted to take advantage of his case for personal gain.

During the interview, Rittenhouse expressed gratitude towards political figures who supported him, including former President Donald Trump and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. However, he also noted that some politicians, such as Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz and former North Carolina Rep. Madison Cawthorn, only showed support after his non-guilty verdict was rendered.

Looking ahead, Rittenhouse shared his aspirations for the future, stating, “A decade from now, I hope to show others the love and help they need. I hope that whatever I am doing, and wherever I am doing it, I help others know they are not alone when it matters most.” He aims to make a positive impact and be defined by his future actions rather than the events of 2020.

In conclusion, Kyle Rittenhouse’s new book aims to set the record straight about his life and the events surrounding his case. By sharing his childhood struggles, debunking false narratives, and revealing the support he received, Rittenhouse hopes to shape the public’s perception of him and make a difference in the years to come.

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