George Soros-Funded Group Donates Millions to Biden-Tied Nonprofit for Policy Research

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee sparked a heated debate during a recent House Judiciary Committee hearing while defending left-wing billionaire, investor, and philanthropist George Soros. It has been revealed that a nonprofit organization within Soros’ Open Society Foundations network, called the Open Society Policy Center, funneled over $15 million to a nonprofit tied to President Biden’s main outside super PAC, Future Forward USA Action. The funds were allocated for research and “content testing on critical policy issues” in preparation for the 2024 elections.

The Open Society Foundations, known for their advocacy work, have been associated with Soros’ controversial projects that critics argue undermine safety, democracy, and the rule of law. The connection between Soros’ organization and Biden’s team raises concerns about the influence of dark money in politics and the alignment of their policy agendas.

Although the specific details of how the money was used remain unclear, Future Forward USA Action and the Open Society Foundations declined to comment on the matter. However, it is believed that the substantial funding played a significant role in Biden’s decision to elevate Future Forward’s PAC as the central outside political fundraising vehicle for his re-election campaign.

George Soros has been an active donor to Biden’s candidacy in the past, and his son Alex, who now leads the Open Society Foundations network, has maintained a close relationship with the Biden White House. These connections have raised questions about the potential impact of dark money on the electoral process and the extent to which outside groups can influence political outcomes.

Records from the Federal Election Commission show that since the 2020 election, Future Forward USA Action has directed $77 million into the Future Forward PAC, representing over 40% of the PAC’s total funds. The lack of transparency regarding the donors to Future Forward USA Action leaves the public in the dark about significant benefactors supporting Biden’s re-election efforts.

Anita Dunn, a senior White House adviser, praised Future Forward as the pre-eminent super PAC supporting Biden, citing their impressive expenditures and rigorous testing of campaign ads during the 2020 election cycle. However, Chauncey McLean, the leader of Future Forward, emphasized the organization’s desire to maintain a low profile and avoid becoming the focal point of attention.

As the 2024 election approaches, it is likely that Future Forward’s role as a major outside group supporting Biden will continue, further obscuring the identities of those who contribute to the organization. This raises concerns about the influence of dark money in politics and the potential implications for democratic processes.

In conclusion, the substantial donation from the Open Society Policy Center, a nonprofit within George Soros’ network, to a nonprofit tied to President Biden’s main outside super PAC raises questions about the role of dark money and the alignment of their policy agendas. The lack of transparency surrounding these transactions underscores the need for greater accountability and disclosure in the electoral process.

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