Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Faces Lawsuit Alleging Sexual Harassment

In a recent legal battle against the Department of Justice (DOJ), former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is facing yet another lawsuit. The accuser, Brittany Commisso, filed the lawsuit in Albany on Wednesday, claiming that Cuomo repeatedly sexually harassed her. This lawsuit falls under the Adult Survivors Act, which extended the time period for individuals to file a sexual harassment claim from the time of the incident. It is worth noting that Commisso’s time limit to file the claim expired on Thursday at midnight.

Cuomo resigned as governor in August 2021 following multiple sexual misconduct allegations made by Commisso and several other women. Although he has denied these allegations, Commisso’s lawsuit alleges “continuous sexual harassment” and retaliation by Cuomo. She is seeking monetary damages against the former governor.

Commisso’s allegations previously led to a criminal charge against Cuomo, but it was eventually dismissed last year at the request of Albany County District Attorney David Soares. Soares described Commisso as credible but stated that he couldn’t prove the case. Cuomo’s attorney, Rita Glavin, released a statement calling Commisso’s claims “provably false” and highlighting the dismissal of the case two years ago after a thorough investigation. Glavin also referred to Commisso’s lawsuit as a “cash grab.”

Brittany Commisso, identified as “Executive Assistant No. 1” in Attorney General Letitia James’ 2021 report, accused Cuomo of sexually harassing 11 women, including current and former state employees, from 2013 to 2020. Commisso testified that Cuomo grabbed her rear during a selfie at the executive mansion in 2019, and in 2020, he reached under her blouse and grabbed her breast. She further stated that Cuomo frequently made sexually suggestive comments and discussed her physical appearance during their time working together. Commisso also mentioned that he inquired about her divorce and sexual activity during her marriage.

This latest lawsuit adds to the ongoing controversy surrounding Cuomo’s behavior. The former governor, known for denying any wrongdoing and waiting out scandals, is now facing legal consequences for his alleged actions. As the case progresses, it will be interesting to see how the court handles Commisso’s claims and whether it will provide a resolution for the victims of Cuomo’s alleged misconduct.

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