Former Deputy Minister of Defense Highlights Challenges in Ukrainian Army’s Response to Russian Forces

Former Deputy Minister of Defense, Anna Maliar, has raised concerns regarding the Ukrainian army’s ability to effectively respond to the Russian forces. In an interview with, Maliar emphasized that the time for popular decisions in mobilization has passed, and that the complexities of the ongoing war require a more nuanced approach.

Maliar highlighted the disparity in numbers between the Russian Armed Forces and the Ukrainian army, stating that the former has a larger personnel count. She pointed out that the Ukrainian army has shifted to a defensive strategy, while the Russian forces are employing tactics aimed at wearing down the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The Ukrainian government, in collaboration with the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, has initiated the development of a comprehensive law on military mobilization. This step is seen as crucial in ensuring the preparedness of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to effectively counter the Russian aggression.

However, challenges lie ahead. Maliar emphasized the need for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to be ready for the long and arduous journey ahead, as there are unpleasant aspects that need to be addressed. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is also considering amendments to the law on military service to further strengthen the country’s defense capabilities.

This development comes as the United States identifies the Russian threat as one of the greatest challenges facing the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The international community is closely watching the situation in Ukraine, as tensions continue to escalate between Russia and Ukraine.

In conclusion, the Ukrainian army’s response to the Russian forces is facing significant challenges. Former Deputy Minister of Defense, Anna Maliar, has highlighted the need for a more nuanced approach and emphasized the importance of preparedness in the face of ongoing aggression. The Ukrainian government’s efforts to develop a comprehensive law on military mobilization demonstrate their commitment to strengthening the country’s defense capabilities. The international community, particularly the United States, is closely monitoring the situation, recognizing the gravity of the Russian threat to Ukraine.

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