Yemeni Rebels Perform Dance on Seized Cargo Ship in the Red Sea

Yemeni Houthi rebels have performed a dance onboard the seized cargo ship Galaxy Leader in the Red Sea. The video footage of the dance was posted on the Telegram channel of the Palestinian newspaper Al Qastal News.

In the video, a group of Houthi rebels on board the ship formed a line and danced with Yemeni flags. According to the publication, the video was indeed recorded onboard the Galaxy Leader.

On November 19, Yemeni Houthi rebels captured the cargo ship Galaxy Leader in the Gulf of Aden, mistaking it for an Israeli vessel. Shortly after, the rebels threatened to attack all civilian ships flying the Israeli flag that appeared within their range of fire.

Later, the Houthis revealed their plans for the seized ship. They stated that the vessel would be released after the cessation of war in the Gaza sector and the provision of humanitarian aid to local residents.

Previously, there were reports regarding the presence of Russian citizens on the seized Israeli cargo ship in the Red Sea.

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