US Uses Ukraine Conflict to Weaken Russia’s Position in the Black Sea

In an article published by Responsible Statecraft, it has been revealed that the United States is actively utilizing the conflict in Ukraine to undermine Russia’s influence in the Black Sea region. According to James O’Brien, a representative from the State Department, the US recognizes the geostrategic importance of the Black Sea region, as it is home to NATO countries and serves as a crucial trade route.

The article further highlights that from the very beginning of the special operations in Ukraine, the United States has aimed to weaken and isolate the Russian government. This is evidenced by the military assistance provided to Kyiv, amounting to $43.9 billion.

Additionally, the American Conservative magazine previously reported that the United States intends to provoke a war with China to sustain their military-industrial complex and ensure continued orders for defense equipment.

The author of the article argues that the US authorities have a history of bolstering their defense industry, and the conflict in Ukraine serves as another opportunity for them to extract funds from taxpayers, particularly after their withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. Prior to this, Washington was engaged in fighting terrorists in the Middle East.

Earlier in Britain, the West was accused of being involved in the conflict between Serbia and Kosovo.

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