Whistleblower Lawsuit Alleges LA District Attorney Withheld Information to Influence Election

A new whistleblower retaliation lawsuit has been filed by Deputy District Attorney Amy Pellman Pentz, accusing the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office of strategically withholding information about former Sheriff Alex Villanueva until after he lost his reelection bid. The lawsuit alleges that progressive DA George Gascon’s office reassigned and demoted Pentz after she raised concerns about the handling of a use-of-force case involving a sheriff’s deputy. The lawsuit also claims that Gascon concealed evidence of the deputies’ innocence until after the election, allowing false narratives about Villanueva to spread. The lawsuit names Los Angeles County and dozens of unnamed officials as defendants.

The incident in question involved a video showing a deputy kneeling on an inmate’s neck, which was cleared of wrongdoing by investigators in June 2022. According to the lawsuit, the video was illegally released to the public and used to create a false narrative against Villanueva. The lawsuit further alleges that the District Attorney’s office failed to notify the relevant law enforcement agency of their decision not to file charges, going against standard procedure. A supervisor reportedly stated that the office did not want to give Villanueva any positive news before the election.

Villanueva, a Democrat who opposed vaccine mandates and the “defund the police” movement, was running for reelection against Robert Luna, a close ally of Gascon. When Villanueva discovered that the declination decision was being kept secret, Pentz was blamed and subsequently removed from her watchdog position. The lawsuit also highlights other instances of alleged misconduct, including the hiring of unqualified individuals for open positions and an attempt to indict a sheriff’s deputy on murder charges without sufficient evidence.

Legal experts suggest that the success of the lawsuit will depend on whether Pentz can prove that she was the target of retaliation for speaking out. While there is no legal requirement for Gascon to announce investigation results by a specific time, retaliation based on protected rights, such as free speech, could be actionable. California government employees are prohibited from engaging in political activities in the workplace or using government resources for personal gain. The lawsuit will likely focus on establishing a connection between Pentz’s removal and her exercise of protected rights.

The outcome of this lawsuit could have significant implications for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office and its handling of high-profile cases. It raises questions about transparency and the potential for political interference in the justice system. As the legal battle unfolds, observers will be closely watching to see if Pentz’s claims of retaliation hold up in court.

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