Surge in Antisemitism Sparks Concerns Across America as U.S. Ambassador’s Home Vandalized with Nazi Graffiti

New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz reacts to the surge in antisemitism across the nation. The Michigan home of U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel, who is Jewish, was defaced with “Nazi” graffiti. A picture of the tagging was posted online by Emanuel’s friend, former adviser to President Obama David Axelrod, who denounced the antisemitic attack.

The incident has raised alarm among American Jews, who view it as a generational challenge. The picture shows a wooden fence outside Emanuel’s Michigan home vandalized with the word “Nazis.” This act of vandalism has been condemned by Axelrod and others, with Axelrod stating, “It’s despicable. It’s disgusting,” and emphasizing the need to “stop the hate” and “stop the antisemitism and Islamophobia.” He also warned of the consequences, saying, “We know where it leads!”

Rahm Emanuel, a Jewish ambassador nominated by President Biden, has a personal history that adds significance to this attack. His father, Benjamin Emanuel, immigrated to the U.S. from Israel with very little and built a successful medical practice. This incident hits close to home for the Emanuel family, who are appreciative of the support and condemnation of hatred and bigotry from their friends, neighbors, and the community.

The defacing of Emanuel’s home comes at a time when antisemitism is on the rise across America. This increase follows the deadly surprise terror attacks in Israel by the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas on October 7. Carolyn Normandin, the regional director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in Michigan, highlighted the concerning situation on the ground. She revealed that her office received 61 reports of antisemitic incidents between October 7 and October 21, a stark rise compared to the usual two to three incidents per week. Nationwide, the ADL reported a 388% increase in antisemitic incidents during the same period compared to last year.

The rise in antisemitism has not only been limited to online threats but has also manifested in physical attacks. Normandin mentioned incidents where Michigan Jews were targeted with rocks and where a Jewish physician received threats related to the conflict in Israel. These incidents underscore the urgency to address and combat antisemitism in the United States.

The State Department has been reached out to for comment, and local law enforcement has been commended for their swift response and seriousness in addressing this crime. Efforts to raise awareness about the issue and promote unity against antisemitism are ongoing, with individuals like Karol Markowicz and David Axelrod speaking out against these acts of hate.

The incident at Rahm Emanuel’s home serves as a reminder of the need to confront and eliminate antisemitism in all its forms. The rise in antisemitic incidents across America is a cause for concern and requires collective action to ensure the safety and well-being of Jewish communities.

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