Right-wing Politician Javier Milei Wins Presidency in Argentina

Buenos Aires, November 20 – Javier Milei, an extreme right-wing politician, has won the presidential elections in Argentina, promising to work with all countries in the “free world”. Speaking to his supporters, he emphasized their commitment to democracy, free trade, and peace, stating that they will collaborate with all countries in the free world to build a better future. Milei described the situation in Argentina as critical.

Running as the candidate of the Libertarian Party, Milei secured victory in the presidential elections, surpassing his opponent Sergio Massa from the ruling party by a 10-percentage-point lead. Milei campaigned on radical slogans, advocating for the dollarization of the economy and privatization, including in the fields of education and healthcare. He also expressed opposition to cooperation with China, Brazil, and Russia in favor of the United States and Israel. Additionally, Milei opposed Argentina’s membership in BRICS and stated his refusal to engage with communists and socialists.

Russian Ambassador Dmitry Feoktistov expressed hope for strengthening cooperation with Argentina under the new government, emphasizing their readiness for joint work regardless of the political landscape. Moscow expects the new Argentine president to maintain a commitment to multipolarity, which will be facilitated by the country’s membership in BRICS, added the diplomat.

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