Miss Pittsburgh Launches PAC to Elect Tough-On-Crime Candidates and Address Rising Antisemitism

Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Dean Phillips expresses concern over the ‘Squad’s’ refusal to condemn the Hamas attack on Israel, calling it “disconcerting and appalling.” In a bold move, Madison Campbell, the recently-crowned Miss Pittsburgh and CEO of Leda Health, has launched the Survivor PAC. This political action committee aims to elect candidates who prioritize public safety and combat antisemitism. One of their initial targets is freshman Democrat Rep. Summer Lee of Pennsylvania, a member of the ‘Squad.’

Campbell, a survivor of sexual assault, started the PAC after witnessing the transformation of the Pittsburgh area and drawing parallels to the challenges faced in San Francisco. She observed an increase in homeless encampments, drug addiction, and crime, which deeply affected her sense of safety and well-being. Concerned about the deteriorating state of her beloved city, Campbell decided to take action.

The Survivor PAC conducted polling in Allegheny County, revealing a growing anxiety among residents about the rise in crime, particularly sexual assault and rape. The recent Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel on October 7 further heightened concerns about antisemitism. The October 27, 2018, Tree of Life synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh also resonated deeply with the local community. Over 80% of Allegheny County residents expressed worry about the rise of hate speech and were determined to protect their Jewish neighbors.

Campbell emphasized the need for tough-on-crime candidates who will prioritize public safety and advocate for the Jewish community. She cites Rep. Summer Lee’s lack of support for Israel and limited engagement with Jewish constituents as key reasons for targeting her through the Survivor PAC. Campbell aims to provide data to the American public, highlighting the importance of electing candidates who will fight for crime victims and protect the Jewish population.

The Survivor PAC is driven by a desire to find innovative solutions for crime prevention and support victims. Campbell believes that traditional approaches to crime prevention have proven ineffective and calls for fresh perspectives from district attorneys, mayors, and other political leaders. Drawing inspiration from recent successes in San Francisco, where the city managed to clean up within a few days, Campbell emphasizes the political power and will required to create lasting change.

Rep. Summer Lee’s campaign did not respond to requests for comment at the time of this article.

In conclusion, Miss Pittsburgh’s Survivor PAC seeks to address rising crime rates and combat antisemitism in Pennsylvania. With a focus on electing tough-on-crime candidates and advocating for innovative solutions, Campbell aims to make a tangible difference in her community.

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