Israel’s War on Terror Benefits Military Industrial Complex, Ignites Global Concerns

Israel’s recent military offensive in Gaza, touted as a “war on terror,” is drawing attention to the country’s thriving military industrial complex and raising concerns about its devastating consequences. While some US officials have voiced support for a “humanitarian pause” and reducing civilian casualties, the actions of the Biden administration reveal a different story. In November, the US State Department approved a $320 million sale of guided bomb kits to Israel, enabling more precise targeting in Gaza. However, the use of such weapons, even with guidance systems, often results in devastating damage, particularly in urban areas.

The international community, including the United Nations and major human rights organizations, has consistently condemned Israeli actions in Gaza and accused the Israeli army of potential war crimes. Human Rights Watch has called for a suspension of all weapons transfers to Israel and Hamas. The haunting specter of the US response to 9/11, characterized by imperial arrogance and catastrophic mistakes, hangs over Israel’s recent actions.

Similar to the US after 9/11, Israel’s “war on terror” is taking shape amidst an atmosphere of anger and vengeance. The Israeli army has engaged in systematic carpet bombing, dropping over 25,000 tonnes of explosives on Gaza in just one month. This bombardment mirrors the US air campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, leaving behind immense devastation. Reports suggest that Israel is also escalating the use of torture against detainees, with thousands of Palestinians, including children, rounded up and subjected to abuse.

In the occupied West Bank, violence by Israeli settlers and soldiers has surged, resulting in the deaths of over 200 Palestinians, many by live ammunition. The Israeli government has distributed thousands of weapons to settlers, leaving Palestinians even more vulnerable to deadly violence. Meanwhile, Israel’s former intelligence head has confirmed the country’s plan for a global assassination drive, targeting Hamas leaders and backers.

Israel’s “war on terror” serves not only as a means for revenge but also as a lucrative opportunity for its arms industry. The country’s arms sales reached a record $12.5 billion in 2022, with a significant portion going to Arab states. Israel’s drones, munitions, and cyber-equipment have seen a surge in demand, as it markets its repressive tools to nations worldwide. The current war on Gaza serves as a showcase for Israeli weaponry, with the military proudly promoting the use of AI-enabled combat tools.

However, despite Israel’s claims of reducing civilian casualties through AI, the current death toll in Gaza suggests otherwise, with over 12,000 people, mostly civilians, losing their lives. In the occupied West Bank, AI is used to intensify surveillance and control over Palestinians, contradicting claims of liberating technology. Moreover, Israel’s pursuit of an ethno-nationalist agenda poses risks not only to Palestinians but also to critical Jews both within and outside the country.

Israel’s actions have sparked concerns globally, as it remains an inspiration for far-right movements opposing immigration, multiculturalism, and human rights norms. By framing the conflict as a battle between Western values and “barbarism,” Israel’s decimation of Palestinian lives and livelihoods reflects an increasingly erratic and wild Israeli state. However, despite mounting concerns, the Western world continues to support Israel’s “war on terror.”

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