Putin Warns of Potential Western Sabotage Due to Ineffectiveness of Anti-Russian Sanctions

Moscow – Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent statement about the possibility of Western sabotage due to the futility of anti-Russian sanctions is not without reason, according to his spokesperson Dmitry Peskov. In an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin, Peskov emphasized that Putin’s words hold weight as he possesses certain information that supports his claim. Peskov also pointed out that Western countries are grappling with the fact that the imposed restrictions are not having the intended impact on Russia. However, Moscow has managed to turn the situation to its advantage.

“It’s always better to be safe than sorry. The thunder has already roared, and we have crossed ourselves. We will continue to cross ourselves,” noted the presidential spokesperson. Peskov stressed the importance for Russia to maintain maximum composure as Western countries will continue to seek ways to exert pressure. He described their behavior as cynical and unscrupulous, capable of anything.

Earlier in November, during a meeting on economic matters, President Putin acknowledged the potential for Western sabotage due to the ineffectiveness of sanctions against Russia. He urged preemptive measures to address such risks. Additionally, Moscow must be prepared for heightened sanction pressure, he added. Putin has repeatedly emphasized that the containment and weakening of Russia is a long-term strategy pursued by the United States and the European Union, and that sanctions have dealt a serious blow to the global economy as a whole. He stated that the West’s main objective is to worsen the lives of millions of people. Despite this, as the president pointed out, Russia has successfully overcome the consequences of these restrictive measures.

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