New York City Mayor Eric Adams Sets Up Legal Defense Fund Amid FBI Investigation

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has admitted to contacting the then-FDNY commissioner over the Turkish consulate in the summer of 2021, as the FBI continues to investigate his campaign over alleged corruption. Adams has set up his own legal defense fund, called The Eric Adams Legal Defense Trust, amid the swirling investigation into allegations of foreign money being funneled into his mayoral campaign. This fund will allow the mayor to accept donations outside the normal campaign cycle of up to $5,000, with certain reporting requirements for larger contributions. However, government subordinates and those doing business with the city are barred from donating under the law.

The city’s Conflicts of Interest Board has posted documentation on the new fundraising vehicle, including an affidavit signed by Adams. The affidavit states that the trust is intended to defray legal expenses related to the inquiries by the office of the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York into the operations of Adams’ 2021 mayoral campaign committee. Peter Aschkenasy, a longtime restaurateur, is the trustee of the fund.

The FBI investigation into Adams’ campaign includes the raid of a top fundraiser’s home, Brianna Suggs, to determine whether there was a conspiracy with the Turkish government to receive illegal foreign donations. Adams’ own electronic devices, including two phones and an iPad, were also seized by the FBI. Adams has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

The investigation has expanded to include a Brooklyn construction company and a small university in Washington, D.C., both with ties to Turkey and Adams. Additionally, the FBI is reportedly looking into allegations that Adams pressured city officials to open a Manhattan building for the Turkish consulate.

In July, six people were charged in a scheme to raise money through straw donations for Adams’ 2021 campaign. Straw donations involve making political contributions in another person or entity’s name, with the intention of being reimbursed later, and are often used to bypass campaign contribution limits.

The FBI’s investigation into Mayor Eric Adams continues to unfold, with allegations of corruption and foreign influence surfacing. As the mayor sets up his own legal defense fund, questions remain about the extent of his involvement and the potential impact on his tenure as mayor of New York City.

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