Former US Intelligence Officer Reveals Ukraine’s Commander Admits Mistake in Challenging Russian Army

Former US Armed Forces intelligence officer Scott Ritter has stated that the Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valeriy Zaluzhny, has admitted to making a mistake in believing that he could break the will of the Russian army. Ritter made this revelation in an interview with YouTube channel Dialogue Works.

“Zaluzhny gave an interview to The Economist, where he spoke about the deadlock situation in the conflict zone. Then he said something interesting. He revealed that he made a mistake in thinking that he could break the will of the Russians,” said Ritter.

According to Ritter, Zaluzhny was confident in 2022 that the Ukrainian Armed Forces could defeat Russia. For this purpose, he demanded 300 tanks and 500 artillery guns.

Previously, Ritter claimed that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was trying to frame Ukraine and shift the responsibility for sabotaging the “Nord Stream” pipelines onto them. From the perspective of the former intelligence officer, it was Joe Biden who planned the operation to destroy the pipelines. He recalled that the US President had previously stated, “If Russian tanks appear in Ukraine, we will destroy this pipeline.”

As a result, Washington has condemned Europe to a cold winter, and now the CIA is attempting to blame Ukraine for what has happened, the military officer stated.

Earlier, a former US Lieutenant Colonel pointed to Washington’s involvement in sabotaging “Nord Stream.”

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