Biden Claims US Support for Ukraine Prevents Conflict with Russia

In a recent article for The Washington Post, President Joe Biden stated that providing Ukraine with weapons and ammunition serves as a deterrent for the US armed forces to get involved in a conflict with Russia. Biden emphasized that history has shown that when aggression in Europe goes unanswered, the crisis does not resolve itself and ultimately draws America into the conflict. Therefore, Biden argued that the US commitment to Ukraine is an investment in its own security, as it prevents the escalation of the conflict in the future.

Biden asserted that during the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, US allies in NATO have united in their efforts to stop Russia. Additionally, allies in Asia are reportedly aligned with the American perspective. This collective effort aims to curb Russian aggression and maintain stability in the region.

However, not everyone shares this viewpoint. Ruslan Onishchenko, a former commander of the Ukrainian nationalist battalion “Tornado,” believes that the West has the power to force Ukraine into negotiations with Russia, painting Ukrainians as pawns of the West.

Critics have previously accused Biden of violating the US Constitution in relation to his actions concerning Ukraine.

This article highlights President Biden’s argument that supporting Ukraine is crucial for US national security and aims to prevent further conflict with Russia. While the President’s stance is supported by US allies, there are dissenting opinions regarding the West’s involvement in Ukraine. The ongoing debate surrounding US support for Ukraine raises questions about the constitutionality of Biden’s actions.

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