Philippines’ Unconditional Support for Israel Raises Concerns and Contradictions

Manila’s blind support for Israel and its war on Gaza is not only immoral but also against its long-term interests. On October 27, the United Nations General Assembly passed a nonbinding resolution with overwhelming support calling for an immediate humanitarian truce between Israel and Hamas and demanding aid access to Gaza. One hundred twenty countries voted in favour of the resolution, clearly expressing their opposition to the continuation of Israel’s siege and bombardment of Gaza, which has claimed thousands of civilian lives. However, the Philippines chose to abstain from voting, aligning itself with 45 other countries. This decision has raised concerns about the Philippines’ stance on human rights abuses and war crimes faced by Palestinians in Gaza.

The government of the Philippines has been supporting Israel unconditionally for many decades, turning a blind eye to its violations of international law and grave crimes against Palestinians living under its occupation. The ties between the two countries date back to the Philippines’ support for the partition of Palestine in 1947. Despite the fact that this partition plan never materialized, the Philippines continued to support Israel and established full diplomatic relationships in 1957. Over the years, the Philippines has actively sought to protect Israel from international criticism and has refrained from pressuring it to cede occupied Palestinian territories.

Under the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippines maintained its unconditional support for Israel. Duterte, who promised an independent foreign policy, visited Israel in 2018, further solidifying the country’s relationship with the Israeli government. Today, under the administration of Ferdinand Marcos Jr, the Philippines remains firmly aligned with the US and continues to show unwavering support for Israel.

Since the recent Hamas attacks on Israel, the Philippines has repeatedly demonstrated solidarity with Israel, condemning the harm inflicted on Israeli civilians. However, it has gone beyond advocating for the human rights of Israelis and has offered blind support for the Israeli government’s disproportionate attacks on Palestinian civilians in Gaza. This stance has placed the Philippines on the wrong side of history and has raised questions about its own moral obligations.

By showing unconditional support for Israel, the Philippines undermines its obligations to hold all states, including its allies, accountable for violating international law. It also weakens its position on the international stage when addressing territorial disputes with China. The Philippines has first-hand experience with the perils of having a powerful neighbor that disregards international law and tries to expand into smaller states’ territories. Supporting violators of international laws and norms weakens the Philippines’ moral stance and calls for condemnation of China’s territorial aggression in the South China/West Philippines Sea.

The Philippines must recognize the importance of taking a stand against all forms of violence and human rights violations, regardless of the nationality of the victims. It is imperative for the Philippines to revise its policies on Israel, end its unwavering support for the Israeli government, and adopt a foreign policy that respects the human rights of all peoples, including the Palestinians. By doing so, the Philippines can align its actions with its moral obligations and protect its long-term interests.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial stance of any specific publication.

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