Louisiana Woman Reaches Plea Deal in Case of 5-Year-Old Boy Found Dead in Suitcase

A Louisiana woman, Dawn Coleman, has reached a plea deal with prosecutors in connection with the death of a 5-year-old Atlanta boy whose body was found in a suitcase in Indiana last year. The details of the plea deal will be released during Coleman’s sentencing on Tuesday, according to prosecutor Tara Coats Hunt.

The boy, Cairo Ammar Jordan, was found dead inside a suitcase in the woods about 35 miles northwest of Louisville, Kentucky, in April 2022. Coleman is accused of playing a part in his death and has been charged with “aiding, inducing or causing murder, neglect of a dependent resulting in death, and obstruction of justice.”

The child’s mother, Dejuane Ludie Anderson, is also implicated in the case and has a felony murder arrest warrant issued against her. However, she has been able to evade authorities for over a year.

An autopsy revealed that Cairo’s cause of death was vomiting and diarrhea, leading to dehydration. Investigators determined that he had died approximately a week or less before his body was discovered by a mushroom hunter.

The plea deal reached by Coleman signifies a significant development in the case, and the details will be crucial in understanding her level of involvement in the tragic death of Cairo Jordan. The sentencing will shed light on the consequences she will face for her alleged role in the crime.

This case highlights the importance of justice and accountability in cases involving the welfare and safety of children. The plea deal and subsequent sentencing will provide closure for the family of Cairo Jordan and hopefully deter similar acts of neglect and harm in the future.

It is essential to continue addressing and combating child abuse and neglect to ensure the well-being and protection of vulnerable children in our society. The tragic death of Cairo Jordan serves as a reminder of the urgency of this issue and the need for swift and just actions against those responsible for such heinous crimes.

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