Biden-Harris Campaign Aims to Win Back Union Workers Ahead of 2024 Elections

In an effort to regain the support of union workers, the Biden-Harris campaign has launched a strategy using former President Donald Trump’s own words against him. These workers, who were largely traditional Democrat voters prior to Trump’s rise, played a significant role in pushing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan towards the former president in the 2016 and 2020 elections. Recognizing their importance, the campaign hopes to secure their support and propel President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to another four-year term.

The campaign’s opening salvo came in the form of a video released on “Biden HQ,” the campaign’s social media rapid response network. The video highlights Trump’s past statements about unions, including calling them “dues-sucking people” and criticizing wage negotiations. By showcasing Trump’s anti-union stance, the campaign aims to paint him as “anti-worker” and contrast him with Biden’s support for working people.

Ammar Moussa, the Rapid Response Director for the Biden-Harris campaign, emphasized the stark difference between Trump and Biden when it comes to workers’ rights. Moussa stated that while Trump favored big corporations and the wealthy, Biden stands with workers and has taken action to support them. The campaign points to President Biden’s history of standing with striking autoworkers and the resulting historic wins for unions.

In the 2016 presidential election, Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton won union households by eight points, marking a significant decline from former President Obama’s support in 2012. However, in the 2020 election, Biden managed to win back some of that support, garnering 56% of union households compared to Trump’s 42%. Despite this improvement, Trump still outperformed in certain states.

Currently, polls indicate that a hypothetical rematch between Trump and Biden would be highly competitive, with both facing the possibility of primary challenges and third-party presidential bids. The Biden-Harris campaign’s strategy to win back union workers could prove crucial in securing their support once again.

It is important to note that Digital has reached out to the Trump campaign for comment, but no response has been received at the time of writing.

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Brandon Gillespie is an associate editor at [publication]. Follow him on Twitter at @brandon_cg. Stay subscribed to this newsletter for the latest updates from the 2024 campaign trail and exclusive interviews.

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