UNRWA Warns of Possible Suspension of Humanitarian Work in Gaza Due to Fuel Shortage

The head of the United Nations Palestinian refugee agency, UNRWA, has issued a warning about the dire situation in the Gaza Strip, stating that the agency may have to suspend all of its humanitarian activities due to a lack of fuel. Philippe Lazzarini, the commissioner-general of UNRWA, expressed concern over what he called a “deliberate attempt to strangle” their operations in Gaza. He argued that Israel’s refusal to allow fuel shipments to the enclave, citing concerns about potential military use by Hamas, is jeopardizing the lives of more than 800,000 displaced people who rely on UNRWA’s support.

Lazzarini made these remarks during a news conference in Geneva, where he highlighted the agency’s ongoing plea for fuel and warned about the consequences of not receiving sufficient supplies. He revealed that UNRWA had been able to tap into the remaining fuel reserves in the territory for the past few weeks, but those reserves are now running out. This puts the agency at risk of having to suspend its entire humanitarian operation.

Israel imposed a “complete siege” on the Gaza Strip after Hamas fighters launched an attack on southern Israel, resulting in significant casualties. Since then, Israel has launched a ground offensive and severely restricted the supply of water, food, and electricity to Gaza. The Israeli assault has led to the death of over 11,600 people, including more than 4,700 children, according to Palestinian authorities.

The first fuel truck to enter Gaza since the siege was imposed arrived on Wednesday, but its use has been limited exclusively to aid transport from Egypt. Lazzarini stressed that 160,000 liters (42,000 gallons) of fuel per day are needed to sustain basic humanitarian operations. He criticized the fact that humanitarian agencies have been reduced to begging for fuel, describing it as outrageous.

The lack of fuel has already had severe consequences on the ground. Lazzarini highlighted that 70 percent of the population in southern Gaza currently lacks access to clean water, leading to the flow of raw sewage onto the streets. Additionally, telecommunications companies in Gaza have announced a network outage due to energy depletion, resulting in a near-total communications blackout. This blackout hampers the work of first responders and emergency services, potentially endangering the remaining civil order in the Gaza Strip.

UNRWA also announced the suspension of its cross-border aid operation at the Rafah crossing with Egypt, the only open route for aid deliveries, due to the telecommunications outage. The agency emphasized that the situation is becoming increasingly dire and warned that people could die if fuel supplies do not arrive soon. Lazzarini condemned the use of fuel as a “weapon of war,” emphasizing the urgent need for international attention and action.

In conclusion, the lack of fuel in the Gaza Strip is threatening the humanitarian work of UNRWA, which supports over 800,000 displaced people. The situation has resulted in a severe deterioration of living conditions, including a lack of clean water and a telecommunications blackout. Urgent international intervention is needed to address this crisis and prevent further loss of life.

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