Texas Woman Found Guilty of Murdering Pro Cyclist in Jealous Plot

In a dramatic turn of events, Kaitlin Armstrong has been found guilty of the murder of professional cyclist Anna Moriah “Mo” Wilson. The Texas jury deliberated for just over two hours before reaching their verdict. Armstrong, 37, was accused of shooting Wilson, 25, in the head and heart after Wilson went on a date with Armstrong’s live-in, on-and-off boyfriend. The motive behind the murder was jealousy. Armstrong’s defense attorney, Rick Cofer, declined to comment on the verdict due to a gag order.

State District Judge Brenda Kennedy has now initiated the punishment phase of the trial. Both the defense and the prosecution have waived their opening statements. The prosecution plans to call Wilson’s family and her friend Caitlin Cash to deliver victim impact statements.

Throughout the trial, prosecutors presented evidence that Armstrong stalked Wilson’s location using the Strava app and had access to her boyfriend’s Apple and Gmail accounts. They also highlighted Armstrong’s alleged jealousy and her previous discussions about killing Wilson. On the other hand, the defense painted Wilson’s boyfriend, Colin Strickland, as manipulative and unreliable, pointing out that he had lied about his actions on the night of the murder.

Despite the defense’s efforts to discredit the evidence, the jury found Armstrong guilty. Friends of Armstrong testified that they did not take her statements about killing Wilson seriously. Following the murder, Armstrong evaded authorities for 43 days, during which she sold her Jeep and underwent plastic surgery in Costa Rica. She was eventually apprehended on Santa Teresa Beach with a plastic surgery receipt and her sister’s passport.

Armstrong’s defense team argued that the state’s ballistics and DNA evidence were insufficient to prove her guilt. They also accused the police of having “tunnel vision” and prematurely focusing on Armstrong as the suspect. An expert witness testified that Armstrong’s DNA could have been transferred to Wilson’s bike without her presence.

The trial has captivated the nation, shedding light on a tragic crime motivated by jealousy. As the punishment phase unfolds, the court will determine the appropriate consequences for Armstrong’s actions.

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