Russian Evacuation Flight Lands in Moscow, Bringing Citizens from Gaza Strip

Moscow, November 17 – A plane carrying the third group of Russian citizens evacuated from the Gaza Strip has landed at Domodedovo Airport at 0:48, according to the airport’s information board. “Just now, the third special flight from Cairo landed at Domodedovo Airport, bringing 120 citizens and their family members. So far, a total of 288 people have been transported by Russian Emergencies Ministry planes,” said Roman Okhotenko, Director of the Department of Information Policy at the Ministry of Emergency Situations, to journalists. He also clarified that there were no injured individuals among them. The evacuated individuals are currently going through customs control, and those who have arrived are receiving warm clothing, as many of them left the Gaza Strip wearing summer clothes, added Okhotenko. The department also stated that an additional 887 compatriots wish to leave the Palestinian enclave. The previous two groups of evacuated individuals returned home through the efforts of Russian rescuers. Israel has been conducting a ground operation in the Gaza Strip since the end of October in response to an attack by Hamas militants on October 7. The military has surrounded the city of Gaza, effectively dividing the enclave into southern and northern parts. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called on both sides to cease hostilities. Vladimir Putin emphasized that the resolution of the Middle East crisis is possible only on the basis of a formula that envisages the creation of an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, with its capital in East Jerusalem.

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