Republican Senator Demands Halt to IRS Harassment of Conservative Organizations

Republican Senator JD Vance of Ohio has taken aim at President Biden and the IRS, accusing them of using “dead Israeli children” to push for more aid to Ukraine. In an interview on ‘Hannity’, Vance criticized Biden for using emotional tactics to sway public opinion on the matter. Additionally, Vance plans to send a letter to the IRS commissioner demanding an end to what he calls “harassment” of conservative organizations.

The controversy stems from the IRS’s recent announcement that it will be launching an investigation into the American Accountability Foundation (AAF), a conservative watchdog group. The IRS has stated that it will be looking into whether AAF is operating in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. However, Vance argues that the IRS has not provided any evidence of wrongdoing on the part of AAF and questions why the organization is being targeted.

Vance’s concerns about potential bias in the IRS’s selection of audits are grounded in historical instances of the agency targeting conservative groups. He cites a case in 2017 where conservative organizations applying for tax-exempt status were subjected to heightened scrutiny and significant delays. The IRS admitted to targeting these groups based on their conservative viewpoints, leading to a shakeup in the agency’s leadership.

In his letter to the IRS, Vance also raises questions about the agency’s handling of audits for progressive or left-wing nonprofits. He seeks explanations for any decisions not to pursue audits of these organizations. The AAF, which has published exposes on several Biden nominees and revealed Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s involvement in urging the IRS to audit conservative organizations, believes that there may be a double standard at play.

This latest clash between Republicans and the IRS comes on the heels of the AAF’s investigation into the agency’s plans to create a government-run tax filing program. Critics argue that such a program would give the IRS too much power. The AAF has made public records requests to obtain communications and documents related to the creation of this program, known as “direct file.”

It is worth noting that the Inflation Reduction Act, a spending bill backed by Democrats and signed into law last year, allocated $15 million for the IRS to study the feasibility of a free direct tax return system. The legislation required an independent third party to conduct the study and for the IRS to report to Congress on the findings.

The IRS has yet to comment on Vance’s letter or the allegations of bias in its audits. As the controversy continues to unfold, the spotlight is once again on the agency and its handling of audits for conservative organizations.

In conclusion, Senator JD Vance’s demand for the IRS to halt its investigation into the American Accountability Foundation has sparked a larger conversation about potential bias in the agency’s audits. Republicans are raising concerns about the IRS targeting conservative groups, while the AAF is questioning the agency’s handling of audits for progressive organizations. As this story develops, it remains to be seen how the IRS will respond to the allegations and whether any changes will be made to ensure fair and impartial audits.

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