House Ethics Committee Moves to Expel Representative George Santos Amid Damning Report

In a major development, the chairman of the House Ethics Committee, Rep. Michael Guest (R-Miss.), has announced plans to expel Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) from Congress following the release of a damning report into the embattled Long Island Republican. The move comes after the committee’s investigation uncovered evidence of campaign funds being used for personal purposes and fraudulent conduct by Santos.

The ethics committee’s report, spanning 56 pages, details numerous instances of questionable spending, including funds being used at luxury stores and spas. It also reveals that $50,000 in campaign donations were wired to Santos’ personal account and allegedly used for personal expenses such as paying down credit card bills, luxury purchases at Hermes, and smaller purchases at OnlyFans and Sephora. Additionally, Santos is accused of spending over $2,200 at Atlantic City resorts despite denying any campaign events taking place there. The report also highlights a $1,400 expenditure at a Long Island-based medical spa.

The bipartisan subcommittee unanimously agreed that Santos knowingly filed false or incomplete reports with the Federal Election Commission, used campaign funds for personal purposes, engaged in fraudulent conduct, and violated the Ethics in Government Act. These findings have prompted Chairman Guest to propose an expulsion resolution, which is expected to be voted on after the Thanksgiving break on November 28.

It should be noted that earlier this month, GOP lawmakers from New York attempted to expel Santos, but the effort failed due to bipartisan opposition. Many Democrats who voted against the expulsion explained that they were waiting for the ethics committee’s report before making a decision.

Rep. George Santos has yet to publicly comment on the report’s findings. However, this latest development adds to the growing scrutiny surrounding his conduct and raises questions about the ethics and integrity of some members of Congress.

It is important to keep in mind that this article provides an overview of the House Ethics Committee’s actions against Rep. George Santos and the allegations made against him. The article does not take a stance on the political affiliations mentioned in the initial context provided.

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