Global Surge in Jew Hatred Following Hamas Attacks Sparks Concern

A leading human rights lawyer who attended the March for Israel rally in Washington, D.C., has expressed alarm about the significant rise in Jew hatred across the globe in the aftermath of the devastating Hamas terror attacks on October 7. Brooke Goldstein, the executive director of The Lawfare Project, revealed her observations during an interview with Digital on the National Mall. The rally, attended by nearly 300,000 people, aimed to show support for Israel’s right to exist and express solidarity with the Jewish community, which has faced antisemitic rhetoric and calls for violence since the attacks.

According to Goldstein, who has dedicated her life to advocating for human rights, the surge in Jew hatred is unprecedented. She stated that her clients, who belong to the Jewish community, are now feeling unsafe even while walking on the streets. Many have resorted to removing their kippahs or hiding their Stars of David necklaces out of fear. Goldstein emphasized that such treatment is completely unacceptable, especially in the year 2023, an era that has witnessed significant advancements in minority rights movements. She called for the establishment of a Jewish civil rights movement and urged an end to the rising Jew hatred.

The Lawfare Project, an organization that provides pro bono legal services to protect the civil and human rights of Jewish people worldwide, has been actively involved in addressing the discrimination faced by the Jewish community. Goldstein expressed her dissatisfaction with the marches and protests in the West that express support for Hamas, labeling them a “disgusting display of colonialism.” She argued that those who truly care about the Palestinian-Muslim community should instead participate in anti-Hamas marches, as the local community does not want to be ruled by the terrorist group or serve as human shields.

Goldstein also highlighted the alarming anti-Jewish discrimination experienced by Jewish students and professors on university campuses. Elite institutions like Harvard, Columbia, MIT, and the University of Virginia have hosted anti-Israel protests since the October attacks, some of which have featured chants advocating violence against Jews. The Lawfare Project has been providing legal counsel to dozens of Jewish students and professors facing such discrimination.

Despite concerns, Goldstein expressed gratitude for the Biden administration’s overall support for Israel. However, she did raise concerns about lawmakers like Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., who she believes promote genocidal ideas. Nonetheless, Goldstein remains encouraged by the majority of the American people who support Israel.

In conclusion, Goldstein called upon the Jewish community to continue protesting until the release of the hostages and the defeat of Hamas. She emphasized the importance of standing on the side of truth and righteousness to combat the rising Jew hatred worldwide.

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