Former Riverside Police Chief Shares Harrowing Story of Being Shot in the Line of Duty

Former Riverside Police Chief, Tom Weitzel, has recently released an audio recording of the dispatch call from the night he was shot by a gang member in 1987. The incident took place in Illinois when Weitzel was just a three-year rookie with the Riverside Police Department. The ambush-style attack left Weitzel with gunshot wounds to his chest and face, and he was left for dead by the suspect.

Weitzel, who retired as the police chief in 2021, has decided to speak out about the shooting after “coming to grips” with the dispatch audio recording that captured the moments before and after the incident. The audio recording was released by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, an organization that aims to honor fallen officers and promote safety for those in law enforcement.

The audio clip, which Weitzel listened to with his adult children who also work in law enforcement, reveals the chilling moments leading up to the shooting. Weitzel had approached a car illegally parked on the street and reported the suspicious activity to dispatch. Within seconds, he informed dispatch that he had been shot and was in need of immediate medical assistance.

Weitzel’s encounter with the armed gang members was a case of mistaken identity. The gang members had planned a home invasion targeting a local corrections officer who had denied early release to one of their associates. Weitzel unwittingly interrupted their plan and paid the price for it. The suspects fled the scene, and their identities were not discovered until years later, when the statute of limitations for prosecution had expired.

The shooting left Weitzel with serious injuries, including broken ribs, burst blood vessels, and an eye injury from the birdshot. Doctors at the hospital had anticipated that he would not survive. Despite the physical and emotional trauma, Weitzel returned to work after six weeks of recovery and continued to climb the ranks of the department until he became the chief in 2008.

Weitzel faced some criticism from within the department, with certain leaders attempting to shift blame onto him for the shooting. He also underwent hypnosis in an attempt to recall details of the incident but found the process ineffective. However, Weitzel used the experience to advocate for positive changes in his department and Illinois law. He worked with Republican state Sen. Judy Baar Topinka to remove the statute of limitations for the shooting of an officer in the line of duty.

Since retiring, Weitzel has become an ambassador for the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, where he continues to support and educate law enforcement departments about line-of-duty deaths. He believes that his experience highlights the importance of training for officers to navigate dangerous situations.

Weitzel’s story serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by law enforcement officers and the challenges they face on a daily basis. The audio recording he released sheds light on the realities of their work and the need for continued support and training.

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