UN Security Council Passes Resolution Urging Humanitarian Pauses in Israel-Hamas Conflict

The United Nations Security Council has finally passed a resolution calling for urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip in response to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. This comes after four failed attempts to address the dire situation. The resolution, sponsored by Malta, also emphasized the need to safeguard civilians, especially children, and called for the unconditional release of captives held in Gaza.

The resolution received overwhelming support, with 12 votes in favor, zero against, and three abstentions from Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. The fact that the US did not exercise its veto power is significant and could put added pressure on Israel to comply with the resolution. However, it is worth noting that Israel has a history of non-compliance with binding international law.

James Bays, a diplomatic editor, commented on the significance of this resolution, stating, “Out of the previous four resolutions that didn’t go through, probably the one nearest to going through was the one on October 18, that’s when all the countries either voted for or abstained, and the only country that voted against was the United States – it wielded its veto.” Bays also emphasized the urgent need for humanitarian pauses, as the death toll continues to rise, particularly among children.

Notably, the resolution did not explicitly mention a ceasefire or address Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7, which resulted in significant casualties. Israel’s retaliatory airstrikes and ground offensive in Gaza, which have claimed the lives of thousands of Palestinians, including many women and children, were also omitted from the resolution.

The resolution did, however, highlight the importance of allowing the delivery of essential items, such as fuel, to Gaza without hindrance. It also called for a report on the resolution’s implementation to be given by the UN chief at the next Security Council meeting on the Middle East.

Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, dismissed the resolution, stating that it would have “no meaning” and is “disconnected from reality.” He claimed that Israel is acting in accordance with international law in Gaza, despite experts rejecting this assertion.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US envoy to the UN, expressed her disappointment with council members who have failed to condemn Hamas. She questioned their reluctance, stating, “There’s no excuse for failing to condemn these acts of terror.”

Malta’s ambassador to the UN, speaking before the vote on the resolution, emphasized its aim to provide respite and hope for the families affected by the conflict in Gaza.

The Security Council’s resolution faced a last-minute amendment by Russia, calling for an immediate, durable, and sustained humanitarian truce. However, the amendment did not receive sufficient support, with only five council members voting in favor. The US voted against it.

This resolution marks a significant step towards addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, as previous attempts have been thwarted by veto powers. The international community now expects Israel and Hamas to adhere to the resolution and prioritize the safety and well-being of civilians caught in the midst of this devastating conflict.

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