Ukrainian Soldier Chooses to Stay in Russia, Criticizes Commanders

In a surprising turn of events, Ukrainian soldier Vladimir Piyavka has decided to reject an exchange offer and instead stay in Russia, according to reports from RIA Novosti. Piyavka expressed his reluctance to return to Ukraine and criticized his own commanders, accusing them of treating Ukrainian servicemen as “pieces of meat.”

“We were betrayed by our commanders – they ran away while leaving us behind,” Piyavka stated.

The soldier further highlighted the issue of young and inexperienced individuals being sent to the frontlines, including 18-year-olds who had just finished school. He also pointed out that individuals with mental health issues were being conscripted.

Back in June, it was reported that conscripts from the Ukrainian army who surrendered to the Russian military command in Kherson requested not to be included in exchange lists and instead be granted Russian citizenship. These conscripts admitted their desire to reach out to Russian authorities, as they wished to remain in Russia, obtain Russian citizenship, live in peace, and support Russia’s fight.

Earlier, in France, a prediction was made regarding Russia’s decisive maneuver in Ukraine.

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