Russian Duma Approves Federal Budget for 2024-2026, with Deficit Expected

Moscow, November 15 – The Russian State Duma has passed the second reading of the federal budget for 2024 and the planning period of 2025-2026. The bill received 328 votes in favor, 78 against, and one abstention. The third reading is scheduled for November 17. According to the project, the budget revenues will be as follows: Expenses: Thus, a deficit is expected over the three-year period, which will not exceed one percent of GDP: in 2024, it will amount to 0.9% of GDP, in 2025 – 0.4% of GDP, and in 2026 – 0.8% of GDP. 3.7 trillion, 3.55 trillion, and 3.48 trillion rubles, respectively, are allocated for the development of the pension system. The project received 920 amendments, of which 768 were accepted by the deputies, and the rest were withdrawn or rejected. At the same time, lawmakers supported the redistribution of previously reserved funds for specific expenditure directions. In total, more than six trillion rubles were redistributed through amendments to the open and closed parts of the budget over three years. “Only in the open part, funds for the most necessary expenses in the amount of 3 trillion 254.3 billion rubles were found,” said Andrey Makarov, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, presenting the amendments. He also noted that 96.8% of all interbudgetary transfers to regions were distributed, calling it a good result. At the same time, Makarov drew attention to the fact that the practice of transferring new methods and rules for transfers “without prior discussion with the parliament” is still preserved. The federal budget project also provides for interbudgetary transfers to the Pension and Social Insurance Fund. In 2024, the total amount is 5.425 trillion rubles, in 2025 – 5.288 trillion, and in 2026 – 5.416 trillion. The Federal Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund should receive 486.6 billion, 504.3 billion, and 526.27 billion rubles, respectively.

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