Pope Francis Removes Conservative Texas Bishop Critical of Him

Whoopi Goldberg, co-host of “The View,” recently shared her experience of meeting Pope Francis and delivering items from her movie “Sister Act.” However, the atmosphere outside the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ annual fall business meeting in Maryland was quite different. Supporters of Bishop Joseph Strickland, a conservative leader from the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, gathered to protest his removal from the diocese. The Vatican announced that Strickland’s pastoral care was being taken over by Bishop Joe Vásquez of Austin on an interim basis.

Strickland had been under investigation by the Vatican for his severe criticism of Pope Francis. Despite promising not to resign voluntarily, he was ultimately removed from his position due to his outspoken views against the pontiff. On the day of his removal, Strickland joined dozens of supporters in praying the rosary along the waterfront in Baltimore.

Inside the meeting, the bishops approved a document that provided guidance on how Catholics should consider church teachings when voting, particularly on issues such as abortion and immigration. The document, titled “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” included inserts and a video script that emphasized the church’s stance on current issues. It reiterated that opposition to abortion is the church’s “pre-eminent priority” and called for support for school choice and parents’ rights to protect their children from “gender ideology.”

The guide also urged Catholics to stand in “radical solidarity” with pregnant women, as efforts to restrict abortion are likely to mobilize abortion rights supporters. The church’s position on upholding human dignity also included rejecting gender transitions, racism, assisted suicide, euthanasia, the death penalty, and an exclusionary economy. Additionally, it called for support for common-sense gun violence prevention, immigrants, refugees, and criminal justice reform.

Outside the meeting, Bishop Strickland and his supporters made their dissatisfaction known. Strickland revealed that Cardinal Cristophe Pierre, the papal nuncio, had asked him not to attend the meeting. While Strickland respected the Vatican’s decision, his supporters held signs expressing concerns about his removal, indicating a perceived danger of changing the church in ways they consider harmful.

Critics of Pope Francis’ actions point to his welcoming of LGBTQ+ community members and his focus on climate change as areas of disagreement. They believe that these actions are indicative of broader issues within the church.

In conclusion, the removal of Bishop Joseph Strickland by Pope Francis has sparked protests and debates within the Catholic Church. The bishops’ meeting approved a document guiding Catholics on how to consider church teachings when casting their ballots, with a focus on issues such as abortion and immigration. The controversy surrounding Strickland’s removal reflects deeper divisions within the church regarding the pope’s direction and priorities.

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