Local Residents Express Outrage as Biden Administration Plans to Release Grizzly Bears Near Rural Communities

In a controversial move, the Biden administration has proposed a plan to release grizzly bears annually into the North Cascades ecosystem in northern Washington over the next five to 10 years. However, this decision has sparked opposition from a wide range of livestock and agriculture industry groups, as well as state and local governments, who argue that the plan would be detrimental to their members and threaten public safety.

Groups such as the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), Public Lands Council (PLC), and American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) have filed comments with the federal government, expressing their concerns. They argue that introducing an apex predator like the grizzly bear to a new area of Washington state would pose a huge threat to rural communities and hardworking farmers and ranchers. Mark Eisele, a Wyoming rancher and incoming NCBA president, stated, “This plan is being pushed by bureaucrats thousands of miles away from the West who do not fully understand the harm this species will cause to producers. The Biden administration should listen to rural residents and rethink this plan.”

The opposition to the plan is based on several factors. Livestock and agriculture industry groups argue that grizzly bears are 20 times more dangerous than black bears and are well known for their aggressive and fatal mauling. Their broad diet poses a threat to corn producers, orchards, cattle ranchers, and sheep ranchers, among others. Additionally, the reintroduction of grizzly bears could have economic consequences for ranch and farm families, which are vital to the rural economy in Washington state.

The federal government’s proposal aims to establish a grizzly bear population of approximately 200 bears in the coming decades. Grizzly bears are currently listed as threatened but not endangered by the federal government. However, opponents argue that the reintroduction is not necessary for the continued growth of the grizzly bear population nationwide.

The proposal has received mixed reactions. Left-wing eco groups have supported the plan, while local lawmakers and residents have heavily criticized it. Chelan County Board of Commissioners, the local governing body near the North Cascades ecosystem, expressed opposition to the reintroduction and urged the federal agencies to consider the current science, management needs, and local community impacts.

The plan also faces opposition from the Montana and Idaho state governments. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Director Dustin Temple argues that grizzly bears will occupy diverse habitats, including private lands, and managing bears to exclude those that wander onto private land would require a larger bear population.

The history of grizzly bear restoration in the North Cascades dates back to the Obama administration. However, the Trump administration concluded that grizzly bears would not be restored in the ecosystem due to significant state opposition. Former Interior Secretary David Bernhardt stated that grizzly bears are not in danger of extinction and that their populations can be managed across their existing range. Nonetheless, the Biden administration, following litigation from environmental groups, announced a review of grizzly bear restoration, leading to the current proposal.

The plan to release grizzly bears near communities raises concerns about human safety, as killing a grizzly bear in the state of Washington can result in hefty fines and penalties. The species is listed as federally threatened and state-listed as endangered.

As the public comment period for the proposal has expired, it remains to be seen how the Biden administration will address the opposition and concerns raised. The controversy surrounding the release of grizzly bears near rural communities highlights the ongoing battle between environmental conservation efforts and the interests of local industries and residents.

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