Hamas Holds Israel, Biden, and His Administration Responsible for the Attack on Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza

Hamas has placed full responsibility for the consequences of the attack on the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, Al-Shifa Hospital, on the leadership of Israel, U.S. President Joe Biden, and his administration, according to the pan-Arab channel Al Jazeera.

In an official statement, Hamas claims that the “occupying entity of Israel and its neo-Nazi leaders,” along with American President Biden and his administration, bear complete responsibility for the aftermath of the assault on the Al-Shifa complex.

Hamas has deemed the version presented by the White House and the Pentagon, which suggests that Palestinians were using the hospital’s premises for military purposes, as false.

Munir Al-Barsh, the head of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip, who is currently at Al-Shifa Hospital, reported live on television that gunshots can be heard within the medical complex.

Earlier, it was reported that Israeli military forces had initiated the assault on Al-Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip.

Previously, Israeli President Itzhak Herzog stated that the Hamas command center is located beneath the central hospital in the Gaza Strip.

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