Brazen Thief Caught on Camera Stealing Porch Decorations in Broad Daylight

A “shameless” thief in Florida was caught on camera stealing a woman’s porch decorations in broad daylight and struggling to fit the stolen items into his SUV. The incident, which occurred on November 9, was captured by Aramairon Perez’s Nest doorbell video camera. Perez shared the footage on Instagram, expressing her shock and urging others to be vigilant.

In the video, the thief, dressed in all-black attire and wearing a Miami Heat basketball hat along with a mask, can be seen pulling up to Perez’s residence in a black Ford Expedition. He quickly opens the trunk and proceeds to the porch, seemingly unaware that he was being recorded.

The thief first grabs a large wicker chair and struggles to place it in his vehicle. After a few attempts, he successfully loads it. Not satisfied with just the chair, he returns to the porch and takes an exotic-looking leafy plant, which proves to be another challenge to fit into the SUV.

Before leaving, the thief briefly contemplates returning to the porch but ultimately decides against it. The Miami Police Department has not confirmed if the thief has been apprehended.

This brazen act of theft serves as a reminder for residents to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to protect their property. With the incident captured on video, there is hope that the thief will be identified and brought to justice.

Please note: This article is purely informative and does not contain any political bias or endorsement of any individuals or parties mentioned in the context provided.

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