Tim Scott Drops Out of 2024 Presidential Race, Donors Shift Support to Nikki Haley

In a surprising turn of events, Republican Senator Tim Scott has announced the suspension of his presidential campaign for the 2024 election. Scott, the only Black Republican in the Senate, made the announcement in a live interview on “Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy.” While he had no plans to endorse another candidate at the moment, the race for his top-dollar donors has already begun.

Prominent donor Andy Sabin, who had previously backed Scott, has shifted his support to former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. Sabin expressed admiration for Haley’s foreign policy views and alignment with his stance on abortion. Another donor, Eric Levine, who had been raising funds for Scott, is now listed as a supporter of Haley and is involved in organizing a fundraiser for her White House bid.

Haley and Scott have a shared history in South Carolina politics, causing some friction as they both pursued the presidency. However, with Scott dropping out of the race, donors who were contributing to both candidates no longer face that dilemma. While some donors are expected to transition their support to Haley, it is not expected to be an immediate rush.

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump remains the commanding front-runner for the 2024 GOP nomination. Despite facing multiple indictments, including charges related to his attempt to overturn the 2020 election, Trump’s support among Republican voters has only grown stronger. He leads both Haley and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is also vying for the nomination, by double-digit margins in early voting states and national polls.

DeSantis, however, holds stronger name recognition nationwide and leads Haley in the national polls. Haley, on the other hand, has enjoyed a rise in the polls thanks to well-regarded performances in the Republican primary debates. Her campaign has announced a significant ad buy in Iowa and New Hampshire, two crucial early voting states.

The battle for second place between DeSantis and Haley is intensifying. DeSantis recently secured the endorsement of popular Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, which could help him gain traction among Hawkeye State Republicans. He is also seeking the support of Bob Vander Plaats, a prominent social conservative leader in Iowa.

As the 2024 campaign continues, the shift in donor support from Scott to Haley reflects the evolving dynamics within the Republican Party. While Trump maintains his strong position, Haley and DeSantis are emerging as prominent contenders. The coming weeks will reveal how the race unfolds and which candidate gains the upper hand in securing the Republican nomination.

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