Republican Lawmakers Clash in Capitol Hallway, Prompts Calls for House Ethics Investigation

A heated confrontation between two Republican lawmakers in a Capitol hallway has sparked calls for a House ethics investigation. Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee accused former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of deliberately elbowing him from behind during a recent encounter. Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida is demanding immediate action and claims that McCarthy assaulted Burchett.

The incident occurred at the end of a members-only House GOP Conference meeting when McCarthy, accompanied by his security detail, walked past Burchett. According to Burchett, McCarthy intentionally elbowed him in the kidneys. McCarthy, on the other hand, asserts that any contact made was accidental. Burchett condemned the incident as a “cheap shot by a bully” and called for an investigation by the House Ethics Committee.

In a letter to House Ethics Committee Chair Michael Guest, Gaetz emphasized the need for swift action, stating that the incident was an assault on a fellow member of Congress. Gaetz also mentioned a rise in breaches of decorum and called for a thorough examination of the matter. Gaetz and Burchett were among the eight Republicans who voted to remove McCarthy from the speakership last month.

Burchett expressed his belief that McCarthy intentionally targeted him, claiming that McCarthy did not see any cameras and thought no one was paying attention except for a reporter from NPR. However, Burchett stated that he would not press charges against McCarthy. Gaetz, in his ethics complaint, requested the committee to investigate the incident, interview both parties under oath, and gather statements from witnesses. It is worth noting that Gaetz himself is currently under investigation by the House Ethics Committee for allegations of sexual misconduct and misuse of funding.

When asked about the incident, McCarthy downplayed it, suggesting that their elbows accidentally collided and denying any intention to harm Burchett. The clash between the two lawmakers highlights the growing tensions within the Republican party.

As this incident unfolds, it raises questions about the state of civility and decorum in the U.S. Congress. The Ethics Committee’s investigation will shed light on the facts surrounding the confrontation and determine whether any action needs to be taken. This incident comes at a time when the Republican party is already facing internal divisions and challenges. It remains to be seen how this clash will impact party dynamics moving forward.

Elizabeth Elkind is a reporter for Digital, focusing on Congress and the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and politics. With previous digital bylines at Daily Mail and CBS News, Elkind brings a wealth of experience to her coverage. Follow her on Twitter at @liz_elkind and send any tips to [email protected].

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