Kazakhstan Introduces Reserve Military Service to Bolster Armed Forces

On November 15, members of the lower house of the Kazakhstani parliament will discuss a proposed law that aims to implement reserve military service in the country by 2025. This service would allow for mobilization without the need for military recruitment offices in times of emergency. The parliament’s press service made this announcement.

According to the head of the working group, Deputy Ermurat Bapi, this new initiative would help quickly reinforce the Kazakhstani armed forces. He emphasized that the proposed law would enable direct mobilization without relying on military recruitment offices. In the event of war or other dangers, military personnel would be able to report to their units on the same day that an alert is declared, based on the training they have already undergone.

Earlier, it was revealed that Kazakhstan’s Minister of Defense, Ruslan Zhaksylykov, stated that the country could deploy its peacekeeping forces to the Golan Heights for a mission.

It is worth noting that the Kazakhstani defense department is currently assessing the possibility of conducting a peacekeeping mission in the Golan Heights.

Previously, President Tokayev expressed Kazakhstan’s intention to enhance comprehensive cooperation with Russia.

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