House Republicans Subpoena Former White House Counsel in Biden’s Alleged Mishandling of Classified Documents

Kentucky Rep. James Comer, along with House Oversight Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, has subpoenaed former White House Counsel Dana Remus as part of an ongoing investigation into President Joe Biden’s alleged improper retention of classified records. The subpoena comes after information obtained by the House Oversight Committee contradicted important details from the White House’s statements about the discovery of documents at the Penn Biden Center. Comer and Jordan are seeking a transcribed interview with Remus to gather more information about the matter.

Comer has described Remus as a central figure in the early stages of coordinating the packing and moving of boxes that were later found to contain classified materials. He believes that Remus may have unique knowledge about the situation and could be a valuable witness. The House Republicans have also requested interviews with Annie Tomasini, a senior Biden aide, Anthony Bernal, a senior advisor in First Lady Jill Biden’s office, and Ashley Williams, a special assistant to the president. They have identified these individuals as being involved in the retrieval of boxes of documents and materials from the Penn Biden Center.

The investigation stems from the discovery of classified documents at the Penn Biden Center in November 2022. Biden’s personal attorneys claim that the documents were first discovered on November 2, but Comer has pointed to contact between Remus and Kathy Chung, a top aide to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, dating back to May 2022. Comer has questioned the timing of Remus’ first contact with Chung, as it coincided with a subpoena return date for former President Donald Trump to turn over any classified records being held at Mar-a-Lago.

Comer and Jordan believe that the White House’s narrative of President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents doesn’t add up. They are determined to learn whether Biden retained sensitive documents related to any countries involving his family’s foreign business dealings. The House Oversight Committee aims to hold the Justice Department and the president accountable for their actions.

House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith, who is also leading the House impeachment inquiry against President Biden, expressed concerns about the president’s alleged illegal possession of classified material. He emphasized the importance of transparency and holding the president to the same standard as his political opponents.

The subpoenas and interview requests are part of the ongoing effort to investigate the Biden family’s foreign business dealings and alleged mishandling of classified documents. The House Republicans are committed to uncovering the truth and ensuring that national security is not compromised.

The investigation is being conducted in cooperation with Special Counsel Robert Hur, who is leading the probe into Biden’s alleged improper retention of classified records. Hur has been tasked with providing relevant updates while protecting the integrity of the investigation.

In conclusion, the House Republicans’ subpoena of former White House Counsel Dana Remus is a significant development in the investigation into President Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified documents. The subpoenas and interview requests are part of a larger effort to hold the Justice Department and the president accountable for their actions. As the investigation continues, transparency and the preservation of national security remain top priorities.

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