House Homeland Security Committee Report Raises Concerns Over Biden’s Border Policies

A new report from the House Homeland Security Committee has shed light on the financial costs of the ongoing migrant crisis at the southern border, blaming the Biden administration’s “open borders” policies. The report warns that taxpayers could be burdened with hundreds of billions of dollars each year due to the crisis. The committee’s fourth interim report focuses on the financial implications of Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ handling of the border crisis, which witnessed over 2.4 million migrant encounters in FY 23.

According to the report, the costs associated with caring for and housing illegal immigrants could reach up to $451 billion annually, as found by the Center for Immigration Studies. The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that the net burden as of 2022 exceeds $150 billion. These costs include healthcare expenses, such as Medicaid expenditures for illegal immigrants, which are estimated to be over $5 billion per year. Additionally, the report highlights the costs of law enforcement, education for migrant children, housing and sheltering, and the impact on local businesses and ranchers near the border.

The report argues that American taxpayer dollars should not be funneled to those who violate the country’s laws and demand taxpayer-funded benefits. It criticizes Mayorkas’ policies for enabling waste and abuse of taxpayer resources and accuses the Department of Homeland Security of releasing millions of illegal aliens into the United States instead of detaining or removing them as required by law. The report concludes that there is no end in sight to the crisis.

The report has faced criticism from the Department of Homeland Security, which accused Republicans of wasting time attacking Mayorkas. A spokesperson for DHS defended Mayorkas’ leadership and highlighted the department’s efforts in countering threats, protecting the nation from cyberattacks and terrorism, and supporting communities affected by natural disasters.

Democrats on the committee also criticized the report, calling it a “bald-faced lie” that immigrants are a financial burden on the country. They accused Republicans of using racist rhetoric and politically motivated attacks on Secretary Mayorkas. Democrats urged Republicans to support their efforts to provide border personnel with the necessary resources.

The Biden administration has requested $14 billion for border operations, including grants to local governments and additional immigration officers to expedite work documents for migrants. They have also proposed a comprehensive immigration reform bill, which includes a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants. However, Republicans have rejected this bill, passing their own legislation focused on border security and immigration, including border wall construction and limits on parole and asylum, which Democrats have so far rejected.

The report and the ongoing debate surrounding border policies underscore the challenges faced by the Biden administration in addressing the migrant crisis. As the financial costs continue to rise, it remains to be seen how the administration and Congress will work together to find a comprehensive solution.

Adam Shaw is a politics reporter for Digital, primarily covering immigration and border security. He can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter.

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