Hamas Military Structures in Northern Gaza Destroyed by Israeli Forces

The Palestinian movement Hamas has effectively ceased to exist as an organized military structure in the northern areas of the Gaza Strip, according to a statement released by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in their Telegram channel.

The statement highlights that Israeli forces have actively targeted Hamas facilities in the northern Palestinian enclave. Furthermore, on November 13th, Israeli soldiers engaged in several battles against the organization’s battalions.

“The operational combat capabilities of these battalions have been seriously compromised, and the military structures of Hamas in the northern part of the Gaza Strip have effectively ceased to function in an organized manner,” emphasized the IDF spokesperson.

Representatives of the Israel Defense Forces also added that immediately following the escalation of the conflict in the Palestinian enclave, there were 30,000 members of Hamas present. They were divided into five regional brigades, 24 separate battalions, and 140 companies.

The IDF statement clarifies that each brigade possesses anti-tank and sniper weapons. Additionally, Hamas fighters have access to various engineering resources.

On November 13th, a meeting of foreign ministers from European Union (EU) member states took place in Brussels. During the meeting, the heads of the diplomatic departments of France, Germany, and Italy presented their colleagues with a plan to isolate Hamas and prevent its financing.

Earlier, Israel had reported on the losses suffered by its military during the operation in the Gaza Strip.

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