Battle over Self-Serve Gas in Oregon: Union Pushes to Repeal New Law

In a controversial move, Oregon’s recently passed law allowing drivers to pump their own gas is facing a potential repeal. The measure, which has been labeled as America’s “most extreme” gun control initiative, will be put on trial next week. This development comes just months after Oregon drivers were granted the freedom to pump their own gas, ending a 72-year prohibition. However, the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555, one of the state’s biggest labor unions, is determined to ban self-service once again.

The labor union argues that the repeal is necessary to protect jobs and accessibility. They claim that allowing people to pump their own gas has led to safety issues, layoffs, and fewer accessible pumps. UFCW Local 555 President Dan Clay criticized the law, stating, “This bill is clear favoritism for big oil companies over the interests of workers.” The union has launched a state initiative petition to gather at least 117,173 valid signatures in order to get the measure on the November 2024 ballot.

Under the current law, drivers have the choice between filling their own gas tank or having an attendant do it for them. Gas stations are required to staff at least half their pumps for drivers who prefer an attendant. However, if the proposed repeal is successful, all self-serve gas, including in rural Oregon counties where drivers have enjoyed the freedom to fuel up on their own at night, would be banned. Motorcyclists would still be allowed to pump their own gas, albeit with an attendant handing them the nozzle.

The debate surrounding this issue has divided Oregonians. Supporters of the law argue that it is time for Oregon to align with the other 48 states and eliminate the “arbitrary bottlenecking” of the fueling process. On the other hand, opponents express concerns about having to pump gas in inclement weather. The issue has sparked passionate testimonies, with some arguing for convenience and others emphasizing the potential burdens on disabled drivers.

The trial next week will determine the fate of the self-serve gas law in Oregon. The outcome will have significant implications for drivers across the state, as well as for the ongoing debate surrounding job security, accessibility, and the role of labor unions in shaping legislation.

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