Unveiling the Tragic Parallels: From Cambodia to Gaza – A Tale of Bombings and Devastation

In a startling revelation, historical parallels between the US carpet bombing of Cambodia and the ongoing bombardment of Gaza have come to light. The indiscriminate bombings, carried out with relentless force, have brought devastation and tragedy to both regions, leaving a lasting impact on their respective populations.

The US carpet bombing of Cambodia, initiated by President Richard Nixon in 1970, was conducted under the covert operations of “Operation Menu” and “Operation Freedom Deal.” The primary objective was to eliminate the Vietcong and the People’s Army of Vietnam, who utilized the Ho Chi Minh Trail, a vital network of pathways and tunnels that passed through Cambodia. Over the course of eight years, an astounding 2.7 million tonnes of bombs were dropped, making Cambodia one of the most heavily bombed countries in history.

Fast forward to the present day, and another region, Gaza, is caught in the crossfire of relentless bombings. Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant proudly announced that over 10,000 bombs and missiles had been dropped on Gaza City alone during the ongoing conflict. Shockingly, the explosive power of these bombs is estimated to be twice as potent as a nuclear bomb, exceeding the destructive force of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. Furthermore, the suggestion of using nuclear weapons on Gaza by an Israeli cabinet minister has unveiled the long-speculated secret of Israel’s nuclear arsenal.

However, a stark contrast emerges between the two instances of bombing. While the US bombing of Cambodia remained largely concealed from the American people and the world, the bombardment of Gaza is openly boasted about by Israeli leaders. The US and other Western powers not only provide overt encouragement but also extend material support to Israel’s actions. This disparity highlights the tragic reality faced by Palestinians in Gaza, who overwhelmingly consist of refugees and their descendants. With nowhere to escape the bombings, they are trapped in a dire situation where survival is uncertain.

Surprisingly, US President Joe Biden has questioned the accuracy of the death toll reported by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, echoing Israeli claims. This contradictory stance contradicts the beliefs of Biden’s own staff, who acknowledge the validity of the numbers and even suggest that they may be higher. Additionally, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has echoed the Israeli narrative, labeling Hamas as “terrorists” and justifying attacks on civilian infrastructure.

However, international humanitarian law contradicts these claims. The principle of proportionality prohibits attacks on civilian targets when the expected loss of civilian life outweighs the military advantage gained. With over 11,000 Palestinian civilians, including thousands of children, killed and countless others buried under the rubble, Israel’s actions face scrutiny for potential war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.

Regrettably, the majority of governments worldwide have chosen to remain silent in the face of these atrocities. The reluctance of countries to sever diplomatic relations with Israel or impose significant pressure underscores the absence of consequences for its actions. The lack of unified international condemnation allows Israel to continue its relentless bombings, maintain its illegal occupation and colonization, and disregard the accusations of genocide leveled against it.

As the conflict persists, it becomes increasingly crucial to question the long-term implications of targeting Hamas in Gaza. Similar to the outcome of the Cambodian bombings, which eventually led to the rise of the notorious Khmer Rouge, the annihilation of Hamas may yield unintended consequences. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself acknowledges the prospect of a “long and difficult” war. This ominous statement suggests the continuation of genocidal acts against the Palestinians unless there is a significant shift in the stance of Western supporters and Arab nations.

Bolivia stands as the sole nation to sever diplomatic ties with Israel in protest against its ongoing war crimes. The actions of other nations, such as Egypt, Jordan, UAE, and Morocco, who continue to maintain diplomatic relations with Israel despite popular demand, raise questions about the efficacy of diplomatic efforts. It is imperative for countries like Turkey, South Africa, and Brazil to align their diplomacy with their condemnations of Israel’s actions and exert pressure on their Western partners. Moreover, nations with economic leverage, such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Qatar, and Azerbaijan, should utilize their influence to hold Israel accountable.

Ultimately, unless a collective effort is made to halt the destruction inch by inch, soul by soul, Gaza and its population face an uncertain future. The world cannot claim ignorance as the bombings persist. The haunting lessons of Cambodia’s carpet bombing remain a testament to the futility of such actions, which sow death, destruction, and misery without achieving a lasting military victory.

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