Presidents and Prime Ministers Attempt to Conceal Their Complicity in the Genocide of Palestinians, but We Will Not Forget

Presidents and prime ministers complicit in Israeli crimes hope we will forget. But we will not. In the West, this is the season of remembrance. It is an almost sacred time, when we are obliged to pause and reflect on loss and sacrifice and to thank, among others, the remaining survivors and the honored dead – many of whom fought the fascist agents of a Holocaust.

During this time, we must not forget the atrocities being committed against the Palestinian people. The presidents and prime ministers who led the solemn ceremonies this weekend in Europe, North America, and beyond, now want us to forget. They want us to forget their complicity in the ongoing genocide taking place in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

For decades, these leaders have given their dear friend, Benjamin Netanyahu, and other fanatical Israeli prime ministers a carte blanche license to kill as many Palestinians as they want, whenever they want, for as long as they want. It is a horrific reality that they expect us to forget.

They want us to forget the pilgrimages they made to Tel Aviv to embrace and support a strutting murderer who has ordered Palestinians to be killed instantly with bullets, bombs, and drones. They want us to forget their lectures accusing us of being “terrorist sympathizers” while praising the resolve and righteousness of a wretched sociopath who has deliberately deprived Palestinians of water, food, and fuel.

The presidents and prime ministers want us to forget the scenes of hundreds of thousands of exhausted Palestinians forced to flee certain death, leaving behind their homes and loved ones. They want us to forget when their dear “democratic” friend bombed schools, hospitals, ambulances, and convoys of Palestinian refugees desperately trying to escape the murderous madness.

But we will not forget. We will remember what these complicit presidents and prime ministers have done, and what they have failed to do. Our solidarity with the Palestinians and their just cause demands it. These leaders have miscalculated our resolve and determination not to be silenced or bullied.

We, the defiant many, will not be deterred by the smear campaigns launched by Israel and their surrogates in Congress or Parliament. We will take action. We will mobilize and organize. We will exercise our agency and punish these presidents and prime ministers by denying them the power and position they value most.

We will cast our ballots for candidates who truly stand with Palestinians, demanding an immediate ceasefire and supporting the rebuilding of their ancestral home. We, ordinary people from ordinary places, will never forget.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial stance of any publication.

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