Woman Rescued After Being Held Captive and Tortured by Serial Kidnapper in Ohio

Akron, Ohio – A horrifying incident unfolded in Akron, Ohio, as a serial kidnapper allegedly abducted a woman, subjected her to brutal beatings, and threatened to set her on fire while holding her captive in a detached garage for several days. The suspect, identified as William Mozingo, was apprehended by Akron Police after an intense standoff. Bodycam footage released by the police shows officers surrounding the shed, guns drawn, and demanding Mozingo’s surrender. Simultaneously, other officers entered the garage and helped the victim, Chloe Jones, descend from a hidden hole in the ceiling using a ladder.

Jones, 23, suffered severe injuries during her captivity, including facial fractures, a brain bleed, a broken arm, and fingers. Her mother, Jessi Barham, shared the details of her daughter’s ordeal on a GoFundMe page, revealing that Jones had been continuously tortured during the four days she was held captive. According to the police, Jones and Mozingo were acquainted, and he lured her into his vehicle under the pretense of offering her a ride home in October. Instead, he took her to an outdoor shed where he kept her locked up until the garage’s owner discovered him and alerted the authorities.

Barham described the horrifying abuse her daughter endured, stating that she was tied up, doused with gasoline, and threatened with being set on fire. Mozingo allegedly beat her with a baseball bat and his fists, held her at knifepoint, and repeatedly threatened to slit her throat. He denied her access to a bathroom, forcing her to urinate on herself, and choked her multiple times, ensuring she remained conscious throughout the ordeal. Jones credited the thought of her young son with giving her the will to survive.

Mozingo, who has a history of criminal offenses, including previous abductions and assaults, was charged with assault, unlawful restraint, kidnapping, abduction, parole violation, and escape. Court records revealed that he had previously served prison time for similar offenses. Shockingly, Jones’ mother expressed frustration with the justice system, stating that there was no reason Mozingo should have been on the streets, as he had repeatedly demonstrated a propensity for reoffending. Akron Police Capt. Michael Miller directed inquiries about Mozingo’s release to the corrections department.

The Akron Police Department expressed its commitment to ensuring the safety of the city’s residents and commended the officers involved in the rescue operation. They wished Jones a swift recovery and healing from the traumatic experience. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by serial offenders and raises questions about the effectiveness of the justice system in preventing repeat offenses.

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