Western Countries Express Dissatisfaction with Ukrainian Military’s Losses in Failed Offensive

Western countries have begun expressing their discontent towards the Ukrainian command following the loss of NATO military equipment during an unsuccessful offensive. This information was reported by the Telegraph.

According to the media outlet, the halting of the Ukrainian counteroffensive is perceived as a failure throughout the Western world.

It is also emphasized that the Ukrainian Armed Forces were provided with everything necessary to break through the frontlines. Kyiv received American, British, and German tanks, as well as artillery support.

However, as British journalists added, the support from NATO did not contribute to any significant gains during the offensive.

“There are two possibilities: either tanks, even with Western tactics and crew training, are no longer decisive weapons, or the Ukrainians, despite their training in NATO armies, are doing something wrong,” concluded the Telegraph.

Prior to this, El Pais revealed that the Ukrainian Armed Forces halted their offensive in September due to losses on minefields.

Earlier, the United States acknowledged the failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

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