Watchdog Group Exposes Alarming Surge in Antisemitism Among Professionals

A nonprofit organization dedicated to combating antisemitism has revealed a shocking rise in acts of Jewish hatred among professionals in society. Liora Rez, founder of StopAntisemitism, expressed her team’s astonishment at the level of antisemitic rhetoric and actions being displayed by doctors, nurses, and professors. The organization, which utilizes social media to expose and hold individuals accountable for their bigotry, has seen a staggering 1,500% increase in antisemitic submissions since the recent invasion of Israel by Hamas terrorists.

StopAntisemitism’s approach involves encouraging the public to identify offenders, verifying the information, and then publishing their names and employers to urge the community to take action. The consequences have been significant, with many individuals losing their jobs as a result of their offensive behavior. Rez emphasized that while people have the right to express hate, her organization has the right to shed light on it.

The examples of antisemitism exposed by StopAntisemitism are deeply troubling. One ICU nurse from Norway, Sam Suleiman, was fired after posting a photo on social media showing a “Hamas” tattoo on his arm while working in a medical facility. Another case involved Dr. Majd Aburabia, the medical director of a breast care center in Michigan, who posted a concerning reference to the massacre in Israel on Facebook. Both individuals faced severe consequences for their actions, including termination from their positions.

The exposure of antisemitism has not been limited to the medical field. A surgeon in London, Dr. Manoj Sen, lost his job after posting an anti-Jewish statement in German on Facebook. Additionally, three former Apple employees were let go after their anti-Jewish comments were featured on social media.

StopAntisemitism has also brought attention to the offensive remarks made by a professor of climate science at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Dr. Mika Tosca. Her denouncement of the entire Jewish state on Instagram led to public outrage and calls for disciplinary action.

While StopAntisemitism’s efforts have received widespread support, there are critics who accuse the organization of using harassment as a tool to silence people. Edward Ahmed Mitchell, deputy director for CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), claims that StopAntisemitism targets individuals sympathetic to Palestinians and considers the organization to be anti-Muslim. Mitchell argues that the group is primarily focused on protecting the Israeli government from legitimate criticism.

It is important to note that Muslims have also experienced an increase in incidents of bigotry since the start of the Israel-Hamas war. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has received over 1,200 complaints of bias in the last month alone, highlighting the ongoing tensions and conflicts in the region.

As the war continues to escalate, with a reported death toll of over 11,000 in Gaza alone, the efforts of organizations like StopAntisemitism are crucial in exposing and addressing acts of hatred and discrimination.

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