Temporary Ceasefire in Gaza Raises Concerns About Israel’s Intent and US Involvement

Analysts are questioning the effectiveness and motives behind the temporary ceasefire in northern Gaza, which was announced by the White House on Thursday. The ceasefire, which allows for daily four-hour pauses in fighting, is seen by many as a PR move led by US interests. Despite the announcement, Israel’s bombing campaign targeted Gaza’s largest hospital, al-Shifa, within hours. Additionally, Israeli tanks surrounded four other hospitals in the besieged enclave. This raises questions about Israel’s intentions and the role of the US in the conflict.

The al-Shifa Hospital, which has received only two shipments of life-saving supplies since the escalation of the conflict, is barely functioning. Many other hospitals and essential facilities in Gaza are also struggling due to the fighting and the Israeli siege. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is deepening, with shortages of water and fuel exacerbating the situation.

While the temporary pauses could have allowed for hospitals and facilities to receive much-needed supplies, the recent attacks raise doubts about Israel’s commitment to the ceasefire. Both the US and Israel have made it clear that there will be no formal ceasefire agreement with Hamas.

Emanuela-Chiara Gillard, a senior fellow at the Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict, emphasized the importance of a temporary suspension of activities to allow for safe passage of humanitarian assistance. However, she noted that the unilateral nature of the pause raises concerns about Hamas and other factions respecting it.

Other analysts argue that a humanitarian pause is insufficient and that a complete cessation of hostilities is necessary. They emphasize the need for uninterrupted humanitarian aid, the safe departure of foreigners, and the potential for negotiations.

Pressure is mounting on Israel to agree to a real ceasefire, with mounting public pressure both domestically and internationally. US President Joe Biden is facing criticism for his refusal to call for a ceasefire, with resignations from his Department of State and protests from former campaign staffers. Polls also indicate that Biden is trailing former President Donald Trump in several battleground states. These factors may force Biden to intervene and stop Israel’s offensive.

The delay in announcing the temporary ceasefire reflects tensions between the US and Israel. Tel Aviv is concerned that the US’s push for a humanitarian pause is a ploy to initiate ceasefire talks. Palestinians, however, are left with difficult choices – either leaving their lands for Israeli settlers or staying and facing potential harm.

It remains to be seen whether the humanitarian pause will be effective in alleviating the crisis in Gaza. Organizations on the ground are cautiously awaiting its implementation before making further comments. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) continues to call for a fully-fledged humanitarian ceasefire across the Gaza Strip to protect civilians.

In conclusion, the temporary ceasefire in Gaza raises concerns about Israel’s intentions and the US’s role in the conflict. The effectiveness of the pause remains uncertain, and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues to worsen. Pressure is mounting on Israel and Biden to take further action to address the situation.

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