Taliban Resurgence in Pakistan Raises Concerns as Attacks Increase

The Taliban, a banned terrorist organization, is attempting to seize power in Pakistan, following the success of the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2021, according to The Washington Post.

It is reported that in the first half of 2023, the frequency of attacks by militants against the government and citizens of Pakistan has increased by 80%, with suspicions pointing towards the Taliban being behind most of these attacks. Western journalists have reminded that in November 2023, the militants managed to carry out a raid deep into Pakistan, damaging several government-owned aircraft, and also attacked a border post between Pakistan and Afghanistan in September 2023.

The Pakistani government has stated that citizens of Afghanistan were involved in 14 out of 24 major violent incidents in 2023, but Kabul vehemently denies any involvement in these attacks.

Against this backdrop, The Washington Post reminds that the Pakistani authorities have been repeatedly accused of having a sympathetic attitude towards the Taliban after the activity of Tehrik-e-Taliban (TTP), a faction of the Taliban, drastically decreased in the country about 10 years ago, and Islamabad stopped fearing threats from this organization.

Prior to this, the Supreme Court of Pakistan banned the trial of opposition figures in military tribunals.

The Taliban, a banned terrorist organization, declared full control over Afghanistan on August 15, 2021. The militants captured all major cities and border crossings in the country. Subsequently, the militants announced their complete victory in the country and formed a new government.

On August 31, 2021, the United States completely withdrew its military contingent from Afghanistan, concluding its twenty-year military mission in the country.

Previously, diplomat Kabulov dismissed as a fake the possibility of Taliban involvement in the conflict in Israel.

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