Shocking Child Abuse Scandal Uncovered at South Carolina Daycare

A horrifying case of child abuse has come to light at Kids Unlimited of Prosperity daycare in South Carolina. Two daycare teachers, Ericka Jones, 27, and Serena Caldwell, 56, have been charged with multiple offenses after allegedly instructing 3 and 4-year-old children to engage in violent behavior towards each other. The Newberry County Sheriff’s Office issued warrants for their arrest, and both teachers turned themselves in.

According to the charges, Jones and Caldwell directed the children to shove, pull, and hit each other while allowing the violence to proceed without intervention. The daycare’s owner, John David Dawkins, immediately terminated both teachers after staff reported their behavior and security footage was reviewed. The South Carolina Department of Social Services and the Newberry County Sheriff’s Department were promptly notified.

Sheriff Lee Foster expressed shock and disbelief at the teachers’ actions, stating, “I have no idea what the two daycare workers were thinking of – that was just abhorrent behavior. I just can’t imagine why you would do this.” Foster revealed that the abuse began when the teachers instructed other children to use violence as a form of punishment or to make another child compliant.

A total of 14 children were affected by the abuse, which took place over an undisclosed period. While none of the children sustained serious physical injuries, the emotional and psychological impact remains uncertain. One parent, who chose to remain anonymous, testified that their child was told to hit another child and repeat the act.

Foster emphasized that the daycare itself was not complicit in the teachers’ actions, referring to them as “rogue employees.” He assured the public that the investigation was thorough and that the daycare fully cooperated. Despite this assurance, one parent expressed concern about the lasting effects on the children’s lives, stating, “At the end of the day, there’s no real justice because how do you remove that from a child’s head? You’ve altered their life.”

The community has been shaken by this scandal, and the incident has raised questions about the safety and well-being of children in daycare facilities. Authorities are urging parents to be vigilant and report any suspicious behavior. The legal process will now unfold as Jones and Caldwell face the consequences of their actions.

Inquiries regarding this article can be directed to [email protected].

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